George Eliot Academy Houses

In June 2018 we introduced our new house system. There are four houses. The aim of the Houses is to develop a system for rewards, competition, leadership development and community across the school. The house leaderboard is updated each week on the screens and shared in the bulletin.


Junior Heads of School

                                                                                                     Freya K                                      Nathan V F

Deputy Heads of School

                                                                     Gracee-Mai C                                     Millie O                                          Rebecca L

                                                                            Malachi F                                     Lauren J                                         Krystal N 

House Captains:

                                                         Joe B                                      Emily H                                  Jenson C                                  Caitlin A


Tyler D                                            Emily B                                                  Mia F                                                  Amy W

                                                          Sarah S                                   Lily B                                 Athalia O                                  Aiden B

                                                     Charlotte H                            Chelsea S                        Aleksander A                           Stephanie C 

Pupil Leadership

There are lots of opportunities for pupils to develop leadership skills at George Eliot Academy. All core groups will elect a Form Representative who will meet for the Year Council. The Year Council elect Year Representatives who will meet for the School Council. These groups meet to discuss issues and ideas for improvement we can make to make our school a place where everyone can be safe, happy and successful. This year we will be using virtual surveys using Microsoft Teams.

In Year 7 pupils can apply for the Buddy Programme. Buddies support the Year 6 pupils during Transition week and then as they move into Year 7. Buddies continue their role into Year 8 where they become Senior Buddies. The role of the Senior Buddy is to support and guide the Year 7 Buddies who are new to the role.

In June each year our Year 10 pupils are invited to apply for a position on the Year 11 Pupil Leadership Team. They complete an application form with references before being invited to interview with the Principal, Vice Principal and their Pastoral Lead. As part of the interview process all candidates are asked to present their ideas for school improvements and how they would implement these ideas over the coming year. This year we had ideas for the careers programme, a recycling scheme and a mentoring programme for the leadership team to help younger pupils.