Pastoral Leaders

Year 7 - Megan Bagshaw

SLT Link - Craig Bonny-Meekings

Year 8 - Jacqueline Glendenning

SLT Link - George Koutsou

Year 9 - Sophie Windsor

SLT Link - Jon Lowdon

Year 10 - Jacqueline Glendenning

SLT Link - Lucy Havard

Year 11 - Jodie Molineuax

SLT Link - Dee Stanton

SENCO: Richard Stevenson,


School Council

Each form group as two Form Representatives (Form Reps) who lead discussions on school issues. Form Reps put themselves forward to be nominated and are voted for by the form groups. Each year group has two Year Representatives (Year Reps), who are chosen from the Form Reps.

The issues discussed range from extra-curricular clubs, the type of food we offer and topics such as equality and diversity. Discussions are held every half a term. 


A typical programme would be:

Week 1

Form Reps discuss Agenda with Form Groups

Form Tutors helps and supports 

Agenda supplied by the School Leadership Team 

Week 2

Form Reps meet with Pastoral leads

Year Reps take minutes and prepare summary 

Week 3

Year Rep meeting with the Principal

Summary of meeting taken to School Leadership Team 


What has changed as a result of our School Council?

  • More information on Careers in our lessons
  • Improved eating and seating area 
  • LGBT club and Ambassadors 
  • A Diversity Day 
  • A greater range of PE clubs e.g. Dodge Ball and Trampolining