Personal, Social, Health, Citizenship & Economic Education

The purpose of the PSHE curriculum is to provide pupils with the opportunity to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy and safe, and prepare for life and work in modern Britain.

The five year curriculum develops skills and attributes such as resilience, self-esteem, risk-management and critical thinking in context of learning grouped into core themes; health and wellbeing, relationships, living in the wider world, careers and citizenship.  It also aims to supports pupils’ spiritual, moral, cultural, mental (SMSC) development and prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life. 

Year 7 pupils' introduction to PSHE, providing an opportunity for support in their transition from primary schools.  Health and wellbeing is also addressed in Years 8, 9 and 10 with the topics reflecting their age and maturity.  Through the years students will gain the knowledge of how to keep themselves healthy, both emotionally and physically including through exercising, healthy eating and sleep. 

Relationships and living in the wider world will develop pupil’s personal development, so that they are well prepared to respect others and contribute to a wider society and life in Britain.  They will develop the knowledge and skills to help form healthy and recognise unhealthy relationships and how to seek support.  The curriculum also aims to develop their understanding of how to keep themselves safe from relevant risks such as abuse, sexual exploitation, extremism, use of the internet and social media. 

Careers and citizenships is delivered in each year group from Year 7 to Year 10, again building on their prior knowledge and also reflect their age and maturity.   Students will develop employability skills so that they are well prepared for the next stage of their education, employment, self-employment or training as well as financial literacy.  Learning about economic wellbeing and preparing for work are vital and inextricably linked to health and relationships. 

In Year 11 PSHE is addressed within the whole curriculum as well as in specialist days, visitors and assemblies. 

British Values at George Eliot Academy

British Values


The ability to understand and communicate are the most important areas of learning. We ensure that pupils are given a ‘voice’ to communicate. This ‘voice’ could be using words, objects, photographs, pictures, symbols, signing, eye pointing or body language.

We empower our pupils by giving them opportunities to make choices about the things that they believe to be important. By valuing each ‘voice ‘and by listening and responding to that voice we demonstrate that we support democracy and liberty.

We have an active School Leadership team.

Rule of Law:

We involve pupils in setting codes of behaviour; helping pupils to make decisions and choices that are acceptable to the school community and society at large.

Pupils are helped to learn to manage their behaviour and take responsibility for their actions. Staff are committed to providing a consistent and predictable environment within the school and beyond. We can help many pupils to understand the connection between actions and consequences. This type of environment enables pupils to feel safe and secure; this in turn, promotes the optimum conditions for learning to take place.

Individual Liberty:

Pupils are encouraged to become good and valued citizens. We do this by supporting each pupil to become as independent as possible. We endeavour to demonstrate that everyone has rights; this includes the right to say ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to ideas or activities. Many of our pupils will be able to take responsibility for roles and to understand that with certain rights comes certain responsibilities. Learning to do things independently is an important part of learning to understand yourself. We support others by participating in charitable events such as Mental Health Awareness Day and Children in Need. We believe that engendering a caring and helpful environment and being independent can boost and nurture a healthy self‐esteem.

Mutual Respect:

We promote each pupil’s inclusion in activities, settings and locations that are appropriate to them individually to meet their needs. Within school, pupils work with a range of people and interactions with others are always positively promoted. This may include working with external coaches, theatre groups etc. The curriculum is personalised and planned for pupils and may include transitioning within the range of resources and places on the site and going into the community to meet with a range of people in a variety of situations which include community events and shared participation with other schools/colleges. We believe it is important to facilitate opportunities to be part of the community as the pupils, families and staff have much to offer in the development of community cohesion.

Tolerance of different faiths and beliefs

We are part of a school and local community where each person is respected and valued equally without regard to ability, gender, faith, heritage or race.

Cultural appreciation and development forms part of our curriculum. We place great emphasis on providing encounters and participation in events and celebrations to broaden all pupils’ experiences and awareness of others. Our Assemblies help all pupils to find out about themselves and others linking their lives to the communities in which they belong.

Pupils are encouraged to experience British Culture through our curriculum themes. For example, pupils have visited many local places. As a school, we take part in sporting activities which helps to instil ‘fair play’ and engender a ‘team spirit’.

Although some of our pupils may find it difficult to articulate their feelings and concerns; staff are attuned to changes in demeanour and well‐being that may indicate anxiety. If they are concerned about a pupil our accepted practice links to the Child Protection Policy which entrusts a duty of care to all staff to actively protect and promote the welfare of children.


George Eliot Academy Learning Objectives for Health and RSE

Pupils should know:

  • how to talk about their emotions accurately and sensitively, using appropriate vocabulary
  • that happiness is linked to being connected to others
  • how to recognise the early signs of mental wellbeing concerns
  • common types of mental ill health (e.g. anxiety and depression)
  • how to critically evaluate when something they do or are involved in has a positive or negative effect on their own or others’ mental health
  • the benefits and importance of physical exercise, time outdoors, community participation and voluntary and service-based activities on mental wellbeing and happiness

Internet safety and harms

Pupils should know:

  • the similarities and differences between the online world and the physical world, including: the impact of unhealthy or obsessive comparison with others online (including through setting unrealistic expectations for body image), how people may curate a specific image of their life online, over-reliance on online relationships including social media, the risks related to online gambling including the accumulation of debt, how advertising and information is targeted at them and how to be a discerning consumer of information online
  • how to identify harmful behaviours online (including bullying, abuse or harassment) and how to report, or find support, if they have been affected by those behaviours

Physical health and fitness

Pupils should know:

  • the positive associations between physical activity and promotion of mental wellbeing, including as an approach to combat stress
  • the characteristics and evidence of what constitutes a healthy lifestyle, maintaining a healthy weight, including the links between an inactive lifestyle and ill health, including cancer and cardio-vascular ill-health
  • about the science relating to blood, organ and stem cell donation

Healthy eating

Pupils should know:

  • how to maintain healthy eating and the links between a poor diet and health risks, including tooth decay and cancer

Drugs, alcohol and tobacco

Pupils should know:

  • the facts about legal and illegal drugs and their associated risks, including the link between drug use, and the associated risks, including the link to serious mental health conditions
  • the law relating to the supply and possession of illegal substances
  • the physical and psychological risks associated with alcohol consumption and what constitutes low risk alcohol consumption in adulthood
  • the physical and psychological consequences of addiction, including alcohol dependency
  • awareness of the dangers of drugs which are prescribed but still present serious health risks
  • the facts about the harms from smoking tobacco (particularly the link to lung cancer), the benefits of quitting and how to access support to do so

Health and prevention

Pupils should know:

  • about personal hygiene, germs including bacteria, viruses, how they are spread, treatment and prevention of infection, and about antibiotics
  • about dental health and the benefits of good oral hygiene and dental flossing, including healthy eating and regular check-ups at the dentist
  • (late secondary) the benefits of regular self-examination and screening
  • the facts and science relating to immunisation and vaccination
  • the importance of sufficient good quality sleep for good health and how a lack of sleep can affect weight, mood and ability to learn

Basic first aid

Pupils should know:

  • basic treatment for common injuries
  • life-saving skills, including how to administer CPR 2
  • the purpose of defibrillators and when one might be needed

Changing adolescent body

Pupils should know:

  • key facts about puberty, the changing adolescent body and menstrual wellbeing
  • the main changes which take place in males and females, and the implications for emotional and physical health

In the this section it covers the Relationships learning outcomes – which at Kettering Buccleuch Academy is taught as part of the PSHE programme.

By the end of secondary school

Schools should continue to develop knowledge on topics specified for primary as required and in addition cover the following content by the end of secondary.


Pupils should know:

  • that there are different types of committed, stable relationships.
  • how these relationships might contribute to human happiness and their importance for bringing up children.
  • what marriage is, including their legal status – for example, that marriage carries legal rights and protections not available to couples who are cohabiting or who have married, for example, in an unregistered religious ceremony.
  • why marriage is an important relationship choice for many couples and why it must be freely entered into.
  • the characteristics and legal status of other types of long-term relationships.
  • the roles and responsibilities of parents with respect to raising of children, including the characteristics of successful parenting.
  • how to determine whether other children, adults or sources of information are trustworthy, judge when a family, friend, intimate or other relationship is unsafe (and to recognise this in others’ relationships), how to seek help or advice, including reporting concerns about others, if needed

Respectful relationships, including friendships

Pupils should know:

  • the characteristics of positive and healthy friendships, in all contexts including online, such as:
    • trust, respect, honesty, kindness, generosity, boundaries, privacy, consent and the management of conflict
    • reconciliation and ending relationships, this includes different (non-sexual) types of relationship
  • practical steps they can take in a range of different contexts to improve or support respectful relationships
  • how stereotypes, in particular stereotypes based on sex, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation or disability, can cause damage (for example, how they might normalise non-consensual behaviour or encourage prejudice)
  • that in school and in wider society they can expect to be treated with respect by others, and that in turn they should show due respect to others, including people in positions of authority and due tolerance of other people’s beliefs
  • about different types of bullying (including cyberbullying), the impact of bullying, responsibilities of bystanders to report bullying and how and where to get help
  • that some types of behaviour within relationships are criminal, including violent behaviour and coercive control
  • what constitutes sexual harassment and sexual violence and why these are always unacceptable
  • the legal rights and responsibilities regarding equality (particularly with reference to the protected characteristics as defined in the Equality Act 2010) and that everyone is unique and equal

Online and media

Pupils should know:

  • their rights, responsibilities and opportunities online, including that the same expectations of behaviour apply in all contexts, including online
  • about online risks, including that any material someone provides to another has the potential to be shared online and the difficulty of removing potentially compromising material placed online
  • not to provide material to others that they would not want shared further and not to share personal material which is sent to them
  • what to do and where to get support to report material or manage issues online
  • the impact of viewing harmful content
  • that specifically sexually explicit material, for example pornography, presents a distorted picture of sexual behaviours, can damage the way people see themselves in relation to others and negatively affect how they behave towards sexual partners
  • that sharing and viewing indecent images of children (including those created by children) is a criminal offence which carries severe penalties including jail
  • how information and data is generated, collected, shared and used online

Being safe

Pupils should know:

  • the concepts of, and laws relating to, sexual consent, sexual exploitation, abuse, grooming, coercion, harassment, rape, domestic abuse, forced marriage, honour-based violence and FGM, and how these can affect current and future relationships
  • how people can actively communicate and recognise consent from others, including sexual consent, and how and when consent can be withdrawn, in all contexts, including online

Intimate and sexual relationships, including sexual health

Pupils should know:

  • how to recognise the characteristics and positive aspects of healthy one-to-one intimate relationships, which include mutual respect, consent, loyalty, trust, shared interests and outlook, sex and friendship
  • that all aspects of health can be affected by choices they make in sex and relationships, positively or negatively, for example physical, emotional, mental, sexual and reproductive health and wellbeing
  • the facts about reproductive health, including fertility and the potential impact of lifestyle on fertility for men and women and menopause
  • that there are a range of strategies for identifying and managing sexual pressure, including understanding peer pressure, resisting pressure and not pressurising others
  • that they have a choice to delay sex or to enjoy intimacy without sex
  • the facts about the full range of contraceptive choices, efficacy and options available
  • the facts around pregnancy including miscarriage
  • that there are choices in relation to pregnancy (with medically and legally accurate, impartial information on all options, including keeping the baby, adoption, abortion and where to get further help)
  • how the different sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV and AIDs, are transmitted, how risk can be reduced through safer sex (including through condom use) and the importance of and facts about testing
  • about the prevalence of some STIs, the impact they can have on those who contract them and key facts about treatment
  • how the use of alcohol and drugs can lead to risky sexual behaviour
  • how to get further advice, including how and where to access confidential sexual and reproductive health advice and treatment

The Law

It is important to know what the law says about sex, relationships and young people, as well as broader safeguarding issues. This includes a range of important facts and the rules regarding sharing personal information, pictures, videos and other material using technology. This will help young people to know what is right and wrong in law, but it can also provide a good foundation of knowledge for deeper discussion about all types of relationships. There are also many different legal provisions whose purpose is to protect young people and which ensure young people take responsibility for their actions.

Pupils should be made aware of the relevant legal provisions when relevant topics are being taught, including for example:

  • marriage
  • consent, including the age of consent
  • violence against women and girls
  • online behaviours including image and information sharing (including ‘sexting’, youth-produced sexual imagery, nudes, etc.)
  • pornography
  • abortion
  • sexuality
  • gender identity
  • substance misuse
  • violence and exploitation by gangs
  • extremism and radicalisation
  • criminal exploitation (for example, through gang involvement or ‘county lines’ drugs operations)
  • hate crime
  • female genital mutilation (FGM)