
The Geography curriculum starts in Year 7 with an in-depth study of the earth - its structure, atmosphere and landscapes. Moving from this, pupils then start to learn about how people interact with the world. 

Over time, the curriculum then develops key themes in both physical and human geography - natural hazards, rivers, coasts, ecosystems, population, migration, development and sustainability.

Pupils are taught case studies and in-depth country studies to wider their understanding of geographical concepts. By the time they sit the Edexcel GCSE Geography qualification in Year 11, pupils will have visited each key concept at least three times, each time spiralling through the content to deepen their knowledge and understanding.

Year 7

Autumn 1

What makes a geographer?

Planet Earth

Autumn 2 Physical Landscapes

Spring 1

Spring 2

Diverse Africa

Summer 1

Summer 2

Development gap

Year 8

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Weather & Climate
Spring 1

Urban Spaces

Spring 2


Summer 1

Summer 2

Our Beautiful & Exploited Oceans

Year 9


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Global Forests

Spring 1

Fieldwork Enquiries
Spring 2

Physical Dimension Physical Landscapes – Management

Summer 1

Physical Dimension Living with hazards
Summer 2

Urbanising World

Year 10

Autumn 1 Hazardous Earth - Tectonic Hazards
Autumn 2 Development Dynamics
Spring 1 Hazardous Earth - Tropical Cyclones
Spring 2 Urbanising World

Summer 1

Physical Landscapes & River Landscapes

Summer 2

Human Landscapes - Urban Areas + Fieldwork Enquiries - Urban & Rivers

Year 11

Autumn 1

Physical - Coastal Landscapes & Human - A named UK city

Autumn 2

People and the Biosphere and Forests Under Threat

Spring 1 Consumption of Energy Resources

Spring 2

Summer 1

Exam Preparation


The History curriculum seeks to provide pupils with the ability to take part in important and interesting conversations about British history and beyond, and about how British history has impacted on and been impacted on by the wider world.  

In Years 7 to 9, the curriculum is sequenced chronologically, with bredth and depth studies, so that pupils can understand the sweep and scale of historical study and understand both the causation and consequences of key historical events from before the Battle of Hastings up to World War Two and beyond. 

From Year 10 onwards, pupils study towards the Edexcel GCSE History qualification, covering British medicine since 1250, the American west, Henry VIII and his ministers and Germany 1918-1939.

Year 7

Autumn 1

Skills Introduction
What are the basic skills required for History?
Autumn 2

Britain before 1066

- How did the Roman invasion change Britain?

Spring 1

Britain 1066 - 1509 

- To what extent did Medieval Britain leap forward after the Dark Ages.

Spring 2

Britain 1509 - 1745

-How problematic was it to be a Tudor monarch?

Summer 1


Britain 1509 - 1745

- Was Britain a parliamentary democracy by the end of the 17th Century?

Summer 2

Enquiry introduction- Defend or attack

-To what extent did Britain’s defence systems evolve over time.

Year 8

Autumn 1

Britain 1745-1901 Empire

- Was the British Empire a force for good or bad?

Autumn 2


Britain 1745-1901 Slavery

- What promoted the growth of slavery and was it ever really abolished?

Spring 1

Britain 1745- 1901 Industry and protest

- How did industrial development lead to political change?

Spring 2

Britain, Europe and the World 1901 WW1

- Was WW1 really the ‘war to end all wars’?

Summer 1


Britain Europe, World 1901 Dictatorships

-Were the dictatorships of the 1930’s and 40’s doomed to failure?

Summer 2 Holocaust
- How and why did the Holocaust happen?

Year 9

Autumn 1 Britain, Europe, World 1901 WW2
- Did WW2 mark the ‘beginning of the end’ for Britain?
Autumn 2 Britain, Europe, World 1901 Post WW2
- Has the world become a more dangerous or safer place since WW2
Spring 1 Modern America
- In what ways has the development of the USA challenged Britain’s place
in the World?

Spring 2

Local Study Coventry
- Is Coventry a town with national significance
Summer 1 Medicine GCSE
Summer 2 Medicine GCSE

Year 10

Autumn 1

GCSE History – Medicine – 18th & 19th centuries

Autumn 2 GCSE History – Medicine – 20th century and Historic Environment

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Weimar Germany and Nazi Germany

Summer 2

American West

Year 11

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Weimar and Nazi Germany

Spring 1

Henry VIII
Summer 2 Henry VIII and Revision/Exams

 Religious Education

The Religious Education curriculum addresses big questions about life, philosophy and ethics, highlighting inspirational figures of world religions so that pupils gain a breadth of knowledge and understanding in a multi-cultural and global society.

It takes a chronological approach to  the study of religion, covering early Eastern religions and Abrahamic faiths in Year 7. and continuing through Islam, Sikhism and Humanism in Year 8.

From Year 10 onwards, pupils studying towards the WJEC GCSE Religious Education qualification cover the beliefs and practices of two religions and study four ethical and philosophical themes - relationships, life and death, good and evil and human rights.

New Year 7 Onwards

Year 7

Autumn 1

Big Questions

Autumn 2

Big Questions

Is Jesus a role model or rebel?

Spring 1

Is Jesus a role model or rebel?

Spring 2

Following the footsteps of Muhammad

Summer 1

Following the footsteps of Muhammad

What is good and challenging about being a young person in Britain today?

Summer 2

What is good and challenging about being a young person in Britain today?

Year 8

Autumn 1 Why is freedom important? (Judaism)
Autumn 2

Should everyone be equal? (Sikhi)

Spring 1

Can Good conquer Evil? (Hinduism)

Spring 2

 Key Figures and religion.

Summer 1

Key figures and religion

Religion and science through time.

Summer 2

Religion and science through time.

Year 9

Autumn 1

Does religion help you to be good? (Atheism & Humanism)

Autumn 2

How do you tackle fake news?

Spring 1

Religion and Worldviews

Spring 2

Religion and crime

Summer 1

What influences morality?

Summer 2

What influences morality?

Year 10

Autumn 1

Christian Beliefs & Practices

Autumn 2

Christian Beliefs & Practices

Spring 1

Christian Beliefs & Practices

Spring 2 Relationships
Summer 1 Islam beliefs and practices
Summer 2 Islam beliefs and practices

Year 11

Autumn 1

Islam beliefs and practices
Autumn 2 Life and Death
Spring 1 Life and Death
Spring 2 Human Rights

Year 8 Onwards 

Year 7

Autumn 1

What is RE? & Big Questions

Autumn 2

Eastern religions: Hinduism

Spring 1

Eastern religions: Buddhism

Spring 2

Eastern religions: Sikhism

Summer 1


Summer 2

The life of Jesus 1

Year 8

Autumn 1

The life of Jesus 2 (21-22)

Autumn 2

Christian Denominations

Spring 1

Islam: Mohammed

Spring 2

Religious Life: Christianity

Summer 1

Religious Life: Islam

Summer 2


Year 9

Autumn 1

Good and Evil T3
Autumn 2

Good and Evil T3

Spring 1

Human Relationships T1

Spring 2

Human Relationships T1

Summer 1

Christian Beliefs  

Summer 2

Christian Beliefs  

Year 10

Autumn 1

Islam Practices

Autumn 2

Islam Practices

Spring 1

Life and Death T2

Spring 2

Life and Death T2

Summer 1

Christian Practices

Summer 2

Christian Practices

Year 11

Autumn 1

Human Relationships

Autumn 2

Human Rights

Spring 1

Human Rights T4

Spring 2


Summer 1
