An ambitious, knowledge-rich curriculum

The Midland Academies Trust offer a broad, carefully constructed and ambitious five-year curriculum across all four academies. Launched in September 2018, our new knowledge-rich curriculum was designed with three principles in mind

Rich in knowledge

We believe that all our pupils have an entitlement to a curriculum filled with powerful knowledge.

  • Our five-year, knowledge rich curriculum was written by our staff working as cross-Trust subject teams, pooling their expertise to create a curriculum which draws upon the deepest subject knowledge.
  • Our commitment to pupils covers mastery of knowledge across a wide range of academic and practical subjects and a wider goal of providing our pupils with the knowledge and cultural capital to make successful choices in life. 
  • Our staff continuously seek out new knowledge to inform future curriculum developments, refining and improving subject curriculum content. They share this knowledge through structured cross-Trust networks and a collaborative approach to external professional learning opportunities.

Sequenced for mastery

We believe that a carefully sequenced curriculum in all subjects is essential to pupil mastery.

  • Our subject staff were given a blank slate to design a subject curriculum which ensured that pupils at The Midland Academies Trust leave in Year 11 with a deep and meaningful understanding of the subject.
  • Our intent is not to teach a narrow, examination-focused curriculum, but for pupils to acquire the body of knowledge needed to be skilful writers, nuanced historians or enquiring scientists. 
  • Our curriculum schema are as diverse as the subjects themselves. In English, pupils explore Greek epic poetry in Year 7 to provide deeper understanding of Shakespeare's classical references and allusions. In Art, pupils build knowledge and mastery of the elements of the human face in portraiture.

Trivium of delivery

We believe that effective curriculum delivery allows pupils to acquire, understand and apply knowledge.

  • Our curriculum delivery model is inspired by Martin Robinson's Trivium 21C, as summarised by Tom Sherrington here. We understand the need for a strong knowledge base and have designed an ambitious curriculum filled with powerful and enabling knowledge.
  • Our teachers are trained in Doug Lemov's 'Teach Like A Champion' techniques - using questioning approaches such as Stretch It and Right is Right to ensure they can ensure that pupils' understanding is rich and deep. 
  • Our pupils are shown how to apply this knowledge across a range of forms; exploring and refining approaches so that they are confident, articulate and perceptive in their performance