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Admissions Policy Consultation – George Eliot Academy

Proposal:  Reduction in Published Admission Number (PAN) at George Eliot Academy from 190 to 150, effective from the 2024-25 admission year.

Period of consultation: Monday 17th October to Monday 28th November

Key document: Proposed Admission Policy 2024-25 (attached)

How to respond: email responses to

The Midland Academies Trust are consulting on the above proposal and would welcome your response.

Academies are required to publish the number of pupils they plan to admit for a year group two years in advance and must consult when proposing to reduce this figure.

For several years, the published admission number (PAN) at George Eliot Academy has remained at 190. However, the actual numbers of pupils joining in Year 7 has been around 150 on average each year.

Reducing the PAN to match pupil entry will allow for long-term planning on a clear and sustainable basis. It will not affect any pupils currently on roll at the academy, only applying to pupils currently in Year 5 and below.

Should the numbers of pupils applying to attend George Eliot Academy rise over 150 in any one year, arrangements for a waiting list and over-subscription criteria are outlined in the proposed Admissions Policy. The academy can also decide to admit above 150 should they determine they have the capacity to do so.

Your views are an important part of the consultation process and will be considered as part of arriving at a final decision. We welcome any responses to the email address above.