Design and Technology

The Design and Technology curriculum is structured over five years to equip pupils with the practical knowledge and skills to carry out design and manufacture of products, whether for personal or commercial use. 

Pupils will be taught foundational knowledge of material areas and properties, and how these are applied to the design and manufacturing process.  By the end of Year 9, pupils will have a firm grasp of fundamental design skills including how to use CAD/CAM software.

From Year 10, pupils study towards the AQA GCSE Design and Technology qualification, learning how to investigate a design brief, research the issues that arise and design and make a produce that is suitable for a user and commercially viable.

Year 7

In Year 7 pupils do two rotations. One in DT and one in Food.

DT Rotation
  • Materials and their working properties.
  • Papers & Boards. 
  • Natural & Manufactured Timbers.                       
  • Polymers.
  • Metals & Alloys.


  • Designing and Making Principles.                 
  • Communication of Design Ideas and Prototype Development.

Practical: Desk Tidy and Draw String Bag

Year 8

In Year 8 pupils do two rotations. One in DT and one in Food.

DT Rotation
  • Materials and their working properties.
  • Modern Materials.
  • Smart Materials. 
  • Composites


  • Electronic Systems and Designing and Making Principles.                  
  • Electronic Systems processing.


  • Designing and Making Principles. 
  • 2D and 3D CAD and CAM.
  • Communication of Design Ideas and Prototype Development.

Practical: LED Lamp, Mug Rap and Polymers Experimentation

Year 9

In Year 9 pupils do two rotations. One in DT and one in Food.

DT Rotation
  • Sources, origins and properties.
  • Commercial manufacturing, surface treatments and finishes.
  • Metal based materials
  • Timber based materials
  • Polymer based materials


  • Designing and Making Principles. 
  • 2D and 3D CAD and CAM. 


  • Designing & Making principles
  • The work of others


  • Specialist technical principles
  • Six R’s

Practical: Pewter Casting, Steel Hook, Polymers Experimentation

Year 10

Autumn 1

Timber based materials

Sources, origins and properties
Working with timber based materials
Commercial manufacturing,
Surface Treatments and Finishes

Practical: Box Project

Autumn 2

Designing  Principles

Industry and enterprise
People, culture, and society
Core Technical Principles
Sustainability & the Environment
Ecological & Social Footprint
Designing Principles
Production Techniques & systems
Scales of Production

Spring 1 Polymers
Polymers - Sources, origins and properties
Working with polymer based materials and fixings
Commercial manufacturing & quality control
Spring 2

Common Specialist Principles
Forces and stresses on materials and objects from Year 9
Mechanical devices

Using angular measurement in degrees. Determine angular movement of mechanisms 

Core Technical Principles
Systems approach to designing

Summer 1

Designing  Principles
Informing design decisions
Investigation, primary and secondary data
The work of others
Design strategies

Making principles
Selection of Materials and Components
Tolerances and Allowances
Material Management and marking out

Recognise and use expressions in decimal and standard form.

Calculating surface areas and volumes - Trigonometry & Area of shapes and calculating waste material.

Recognise and use expressions in decimal and standard form.

Tessellation of shapes and patterns.

Summer 2

A01 - Identify, investigate and outline design possibilities
A: Identify, investigate and outline design possibilities

Handling data - Understanding and representing data including bar charts, pie charts. Presentation of data. Diagrams, bar charts and histograms.

B: Producing a design brief & specification

A02 - Design and make prototypes that are fit for purpose.
C: Generating Design Ideas
3 design ideas pages with inspiration

Year 11

Autumn 1

A02 - Design and make prototypes that are fit for purpose.
D: Developing design ideas
Review of ideas against spec
Card modelling
Model evaluation
Design development Sketches
Model development and reviews
Parts layout drawings Solid works

Recognising and using expression in decimal and standard form. Basic measuring and number

Autumn 2

A02 - Design and Make Prototypes that are fit for purpose.
E: Realising Design Ideas

Analysing & Evaluating
F: Analysing & Evaluating

Costing using basic number and calculating areas of triangles, rectangles, rectangles and volumes of cubes. To determine material needed and calculate waste.

Spring 1

Designing & Making Principles
Specialist tools, equipment. 
Techniques and processes.
Surface treatments and finishes.
Improving Functionality

Core Technical Principles
Energy Generation
Energy Storage
Six Rs recap

Spring 2 Exam Revision
Summer 1 Exam Revision
Summer 2  

Food Preparation and Nutrition

The curriculum is focussed around core knowledge of food and nutrition to ensure every pupil knows the importance of making healthy lifestyle choices. Pupils will be able to select and prepare healthy food with confidence as an essential life skill.

In Year 7, pupils learn about food and personal health and safety, the study of nutrition and foods and recipes from different cultures. In Year 8 they explore the science of cooking, the changing nutritional needs of humans at different life stages and food choices. Year 9 focused on developing and refining core practical skills including pupils developing recipes applying their knowledge to improve nutritional content or suitability for different groups or factors.

From Year 10, pupils study towards the AQA GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition qualification, which gives them the ability to apply the principles of food science, nutrition and healthy eating.

Year 7

In Year 7 pupils do two rotations. One in DT and one in Food.

Week 1 Health and safety in the kitchen. 
Food hygiene and personal hygiene.
Weighing and measuring
Week 2

Basic equipment

Fruit Salad

Week 3

Food Safety

Pasta Salad

Week 4

Cooker Safety

Cheese and tomato pinwheels

Week 5

Eat Well guide and healthy eating

Tomato past sauce

Week 6


Pizza Toast

Week 7

Eat Well guide and healthy eating

Rock Buns

Week 8

Function of eggs

Tortilla Quiche

Week 9

Role of alternative proteins

Granola bars

Week 10

Sugars role in the diet

Melting Moments

Week 11

Produce Analysis

Jam Buns

Week 12

Fats and oils

Cheese and Onion Triangles

Week 13

Savoury scone assessment


Week 14

Scone Introduction

Scone Practical

Week 15

Scone planning

Chocolate chip muffins

Week 16

Scone Evaluation

Cheese/Potato Pie

Week 17


Cheese Straws

Week 18

British and international foods

Chicken Nuggets

Year 8

In Year 8 pupils do two rotations. One in DT and one in Food.

Week 1


Health and Safety

Week 2 Croque Monsieur
Week 3 Macro nutrient protein
Week 4 Cheesecake
Week 5 Micronutrients
Week 6 Macaroni Cheese
Week 7 Special Diets/ factors affecting food choice.
Week 8 Fruit crumble
Week 9 Diet related disease/ heat transfer cooking methods.
Week 10 Bolognaise
Week 11 Assessment 2
Week 12 Jam Tarts
Week 13 Cupcake assessment planning
Week 14 Cake making practical assessment.
Week 15 Food labels and food waste
Week 16 Bread based pizza
Week 17

Revision end of rotation/ year exam

Week 18 Chocolate Brownies

Year 9

In Year 9 pupils do two rotations. One in DT and one in Food.

Week 1

Routines, Food Hygiene and Safety

Week 2 Vegetable/tomato soup
Week 3 Micro organisms - enzymes
Week 4 Devonshire apple cake
Week 5 Heat transfer methods/ cooking methods
Week 6 Tagliatelle Carbonara
Week 7 Protein, denaturation and coagulation
Week 8 Flavoured bread shapes
Week 9 Carbohydrates/ gelatinisation
Week 10 Swiss roll
Week 11 Macro-nutrients/ shortening and gluten formation
Week 12 Lemon Meringue Pie
Week 13 Micro nutrients and water/ making informed choices
Week 14 Stir Fry
Week 15 Energy needs/ allergies
Week 16 Spanish Meat balls
Week 17 Revision, end of rotation year exam.
Week 18 Chicken Tikka Masala

Year 10

Autumn 1

Project 1 Food choice related to nutritional needs and health.

Dietary needs of a chosen lifestyle.

Special diets Food choice related to nutritional needs and health continued.

Autumn 2

Project 2 Food nutrition and Health Module.

Eat Well Guide. Current dietary guidelines Carbohydrates Proteins Fats function and source of protein, carbohydrates and dietary fibre fats, Vitamins and minerals

Spring 1

Project 3 Food provenance.

Environmental impact and sustainability Food sources Food and environment Sustainability of food Processing and production Food production Technological development

Spring 2

Project 4 Food Safety Food spoilage and contamination

Summer 1

Project 4 Food science Functional and chemical properties of food (Practical skills – ready for NEA2)

Summer 2

Food science Cooking of food and heat transfer (Practical skills – ready for NEA2)

Year 11

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Non-Exam Assessment 2

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Exam Revision